dijous, 27 d’octubre del 2011

Cançons d'amor

Mazoni - "El Dubte" - Fins que la mort ens separi

El dia s'apaga i les flors es tanquen dins el teu jardí
He pensat dir-te moltes coses però ara ja no les vull dir
No ho sé
Tot és confús

El que avui sembla senzill, l'endemà es torna complicat
El desig posa el peu a la porta perquè l'amor pugui entrar
I quan
És dins
Et sents perdut
Submergit en el dubte

La vida premia als que busquen un camí sense marcar
Però el dubte mossega a l'hora de triar el moment que has de parar
I aquest
No arriba mai
Submergit en el dubte etern.

OBRINT PAS - La Vida Sense Tu

Boig Per Tu, Sau

Afegiu els vostres poemes i les vostres cançons d'amor preferides.

Carla Garcia selecciona "Paraules d'amor", versió d'Alejandro Sanz d'una cançó de Serrat

Selecció D'Hada Pérez:

dissabte, 22 d’octubre del 2011

Leonard Cohen, Príncep d'Astúries

El músic Leonard Cohen revela la seva passió per Lorca al recollir el Príncep d'Astúries de les Lletres. Podeu entrar a la seua web: http://www.leonardcohen.com/
Podeu anar a aquest enllaç per veure la notícia completa: http://www.elperiodico.cat/ca/noticias/oci-i-cultura/cohen-admiracio-lorca-1191962

Traduïm la lletra del següent vídeo:

I loved you for a long, long time
I know this love is real
It don't matter how it all went wrong
That don't change the way I feel
And I can't believe that time's
Gonna heal this wound I'm speaking of
There ain't no cure,
There ain't no cure,
There ain't no cure for love.

I'm aching for you baby
I can't pretend I'm not
I need to see you naked
In your body and your thought
I've got you like a habit
And I'll never get enough
There ain't no cure,
There ain't no cure,
There ain't no cure for love

There ain't no cure for love
There ain't no cure for love
All the rocket ships are climbing through the sky
The holy books are open wide
The doctors working day and night
But they'll never ever find that cure for love
There ain't no drink no drug
(Ah tell them, angels)
There's nothing pure enough to be a cure for love

I see you in the subwayand I see you on the bus
I see you lying down with me, I see you waking up
I see your hand, I see your hair
Your bracelets and your brush
And I call to you, I call to you
But I don't call soft enough
There ain't no cure,
There ain't no cure,
There ain't no cure for love

I walked into this empty church I had no place else to go
When the sweetest voice I ever heard, whispered to my soul
I don't need to be forgiven for loving you so much
It's written in the scriptures
It's written there in blood
I even heard the angels declare it from above
There ain't no cure,
There ain't no cure,
There ain't no cure for love

There ain't no cure for love
There ain't no cure for love
All the rocket ships are climbing through the sky
The holy books are open wide
The doctors working day and night
But they'll never ever find that cure,
That cure for love